O projektu Skrbstvene odgovornosti moških (MiC)

Sodobni moški skrbijo za otroke, za starejše družinske člane in članice. V primerjavi ženskami povsod po Evropi, pa moški opravijo manj gospodinjskega in skrbstvenega dela. Danes zaposlitve in trg dela zahtevajo popolno podrejanje zasebnega življenja plačanemu delu, kar moške omejuje pri tem, koliko časa bodo namenili skrbi za bližnje.

Skrbstvene odgovornosti moških - MiC je evropski projekt (marec 2019 - februar 2022), ki ga sofinancira Evropska komisija, Program EaSI (Progress) in pri katerem sodeluje 12 organizacij (univerze, socialni partnerji, nevladne organizacije). Cilj evropskega projekta MiC je izboljšanje organizacijskih pogojev z namenom spodbujanja skrbstvenih odgovornosti moških v sedmih evropskih državah (Avstrija, Nemčija, Islandija, Norveška, Poljska, Slovenija in Španija). Projekt MiC se bo osredotočal na to, kako lahko politike in organizacijske kulture spodbujajo skrbstvene vloge moških, zlasti pri skrbi za otroke, starejše, partnerje_ke, sodelavce_ke in prijatelje_ice. S sodelovanjem z zaposlenimi, sindikati, delodajalci in družinami bo projekt MiC identificiral in razširjal dobre prakse za doseganje visoke ravni usklajevanja poklicnih in zasebnih obveznosti zaposlenih. Ženske in moški potrebujejo čas za skrb zase in za druge.

MiC News & Blog

Men, fatherhood and the COVID-19 pandemic – ESA conference presentation

What is the impact of COVID on men's engagement in care? Has pandemic created opportunities for caring men to be more visible and supported in their companies? As different studies confirm that COVID-19 pandemic resulted in women’s over-burden with home responsibilities and being obliged to combine work, home and child-care duties, we looked into situation of men in care and how this situation changed men’s lives and their burden with professional work and possibilities of performing care roles.

What is the impact of COVID on men's engagement in care? Has pandemic created opportunities for caring men to be more visible and supported in their companies? As different studies confirm that COVID-19 pandemic resulted in women’s over-burden with home responsibilities and being obliged to combine work, home and child-care duties, we looked into situation of men in care and how this situation changed men’s lives and their burden with professional work and possibilities of performing care roles. Ewelina Ciaputa, Dr. Ewa Krzaklewska and Dr. Marta Warat  from the Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow presented the results of the analysis of the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on men in care (“Men, fatherhood and the COVID-19 pandemic”) during 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 31 August - 3 September. The results from the qualitative interviews with employees, their partners and experts show that successful intertwining of work and care was possible thanks to the company's culture, practices and solutions that support caring masculinities, as well as access to resources available to middle-class fathers. 

Last changed: 17.01.2022