O projektu Skrbstvene odgovornosti moških (MiC)

Sodobni moški skrbijo za otroke, za starejše družinske člane in članice. V primerjavi ženskami povsod po Evropi, pa moški opravijo manj gospodinjskega in skrbstvenega dela. Danes zaposlitve in trg dela zahtevajo popolno podrejanje zasebnega življenja plačanemu delu, kar moške omejuje pri tem, koliko časa bodo namenili skrbi za bližnje.

Skrbstvene odgovornosti moških - MiC je evropski projekt (marec 2019 - februar 2022), ki ga sofinancira Evropska komisija, Program EaSI (Progress) in pri katerem sodeluje 12 organizacij (univerze, socialni partnerji, nevladne organizacije). Cilj evropskega projekta MiC je izboljšanje organizacijskih pogojev z namenom spodbujanja skrbstvenih odgovornosti moških v sedmih evropskih državah (Avstrija, Nemčija, Islandija, Norveška, Poljska, Slovenija in Španija). Projekt MiC se bo osredotočal na to, kako lahko politike in organizacijske kulture spodbujajo skrbstvene vloge moških, zlasti pri skrbi za otroke, starejše, partnerje_ke, sodelavce_ke in prijatelje_ice. S sodelovanjem z zaposlenimi, sindikati, delodajalci in družinami bo projekt MiC identificiral in razširjal dobre prakse za doseganje visoke ravni usklajevanja poklicnih in zasebnih obveznosti zaposlenih. Ženske in moški potrebujejo čas za skrb zase in za druge.

MiC News & Blog

Second Men in Care meeting held in Madrid

The second meeting of the "Men in Care" network took place at the UNED in Madrid on 22 February 2022.

The second meeting of the European network "Men in Care", a network linked to the research project of the same name led by Professor Teresa Jurado, took place on Tuesday 22 February at the UNED.

The conference focused on the analysis of the use of "birth and care" leave by men (formerly paternity leave) after the legal reform carried out by Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, which equalised the duration of leave for men and women. In addition to the results of academic research on the subject, presented by professors Gerardo Meil (UAM), José Andrés Fernández Cornejo (UCM), Irina Fernández (professor of Sociology II of the UNED) and Cristina Castellanos (professor of the Department of Applied Economics of the UNED), the conference also included the participation and points of view of other agents involved. The equality agent of CC.OO Castilla y León María Sánchez Holgado spoke about the most common queries made by working parents about the leave, the lawyer of the National Institute of Social Security Andrés Trillo focused on the pending aspects of the transposition of the so-called "European Directive on Conciliation" of 2019 and, finally, María Pazos, on behalf of the platform PPiiNAthe main promoter of the reform, presented the feminist critique of the outcome of the reform.

The meeting can be replayed in full in English here.


Last changed: 17.01.2022